
PS Chapter 3: People of Legend

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(This is the chapter where things start to get interesting. Here in this chapter we will be introduced to quite a bunch of people working to restore glory to their society. Now really Id really love to say more about this chapter, but honestly these new characters are just too, umm, lets just say they are too important for me to release spoilers. Also you’ll probably notice that my vocabulary doesnt change too much. Thats mostly because trying to find the words is hard, especially when you need to write extra things just to make the story longer and provide some background to the story itself.)

(Ill also have you know this chapter is going to be quite short since this is pretty much the end of the buildup to awesomeness and epicness and all that sorta shit. I didnt want to write much more since it would reveal too much about the things to come. Sorry. But now here is the nice thing… The next chapter is going to be BADASS and it will a long one, so lots of nice stuph to read.)

Ever since the Legendary Lorekan had sulked back to their Garden of Time, the ONCG had worked for many decades to try to bring about the inventions they could create with the help of the Lorekan population. Everyone knew that the ceasing of the partnership between the two masses would result in loss, Cietronian scientists not able to understand the way the world worked like Lorekan did. This was because the dragon population had come around to forming groups before the Cietronians had, the Lorekan being more advanced than the Cietronians had been at the time. It was because of this that granted the draconic civilization the ability to increase their understanding of how the world worked. Suffering from the ceasing of the partnership, the Cietronian scientists were unable to invent the technology of the future. This made the Cietronian economy fail and eventually be destroyed, all humanoids suffering at the hands of this great loss. In the midst of this economic failure, anarchy resulted and gangs were formed, the gangs finding new ways to make profit in the world that was arising. Darkness overcame the planet, humanoids killed each other in order to make or find profit, the government destroyed by the tides of war over currencies. With nothing left to do, the ONCG could not nothing but watch as the world ended… or that was what everyone thought was going to happen. Out of what seemed like nowhere, a man named Wyllfred (William, Will, Wilfred) Abudgen Pokitaku joined the ONCG stating he could fix the problem that had plagued the planet. It wasn’t long until William was renamed to General William, High Leader of the ONCG. In the wake of this promotion, it became obvious that now the entire Cietronian population was at his command. Wishing to return the world to its rightful state, William kidnapped Lorekan to serve as test subjects for scientists and be forced to work alongside the humanoid scientists. The outcome was most positive and benefitted the citizens of the planet enormously. The economy had arisen from its dead state and had never been healthier, the military able to return to their work in terms of inventing and manufacturing new weapons, the gangs were destroyed at the hands of the ONCG and other security agencies, and peace was restored to the land. When the peace was finally brought back, it was the  5000th birthday of the ONCG, officers and soldiers coming from all corners of the planet just to celebrate this event. At the base of northern continent of Illopium, the Ulliemian forest eventually transformed into the Illopium steppes. In this area of transition, was the ONCG HQ, the grandest of all Cietronian Military bases. This base in particular was well-known for its luxurious exteriors, interiors, its massive weapons vault, and the numerous next generation perimeter defence technologies. If there was a most perfect risk-free party, this would be the very place. General William had always looked forward to the day that he would be commemorated for all of his hard work. And after 502 years, William could finally see that very day. It was late a night when officers from across the world arrived at the headquarters, airships landing all over the ONCG HQ Airfield, people flooding onto the tarmac. High above the base fireworks were going off, the explosions lighting up the night sky with beautiful vibrant colours. In front of the base was a palace-oriented walkway outfitted with tall marble pillars and ornate decorations. There was a beautiful red hues lingering over there walkway, a hue brought on by a many differently-coloured lights that hung overtop the passage leading into the base. Inside, the base’s resemblance to a palace only increased for the interior was filled ornate sculptors, busts, and other intricate works of art. The walls were covered with some of the world’s best and most famous paintings, a luxurious red carpet laid all across the floor in the entrance hall. Throughout the rest of the halls, the quality of the rooms moved away from extremely palace-like. While the things inside were still most gorgeous, the beauty of the rest of the halls could not compare to the exterior or the entrance hall. In these halls, extravagant marble floors replaced the crimson red carpet that was present on the floors at the entrance to the HQ. Lining the walls were various awards, medals, and trophies, all of them encased in a high-durable glass box and place on top of a gem-lined pedestal. Officers could not believe their eyes when they saw such beauties, the beauties being so amazing that the awe induced into the humanoids nearly made them forget the true reason why they were at the HQ. The celebration would be held in large stadium-sized theatre where General William Pokitaku himself would give a speech to thousands of officers that sat before him. Eventually the thousands of guests filled the seats in the theatre and awaited their leader’s speech.

General William was in his office, the Cietronian finishing signing some papers whilst siting at his spruce wood desk. There was then a loud knocking at the door before a tall masked figure all dressed black entered the room. He wore a sleek-looking black assassin’s outfit, a long black cloak, and a black mask with a silvery skull on it. Alongside him was a second man, this one slightly smaller than the first one. This second man’s outfit was black with red-lines in various places. Also bearing a cloak, it would have seemed like these two men were both assassins. Instead of a skull mask, the second Cietronian bore a black gas mask. His mask’s eyes glowed a dark red, around the mouthpiece were several pill-shaped glass containers containing a bright red liquid substance. At first all William could do was looking at these two menacing masked people standing before him. Despite how evil they had seemed, the General wasn’t afraid of them, Wilfred putting his pen on the surface of his desk and pressing his hands together alongside the pen before inventing the two closer to his desk. “Dynggo, Serlaz… Im assuming you’ve come to my office to tell me the celebration is ready, that all the officers are sitting and waiting for me, and that the stage is ready for my arrival.” He spoke calmly, staring into the eyeholes of each of their masks. The first man approached the Cietronian General, sat down, and removed his mask. Underneath his mask was a thin pale face and long blonde hair, his hair dropping down to his shoulders. The General looked into the blonde man’s blue eyes whilst wondering how the unmasked man would react. “You assumed correct, sir.” He replied as the second man moved towards the first one, soon standing alongside his sitting friend. The gas-masked humanoid then also removed his mask as well as his hood, revealing his face. This man’s face was covered with scars and unhealed cuts. His left eyebrow was deformed slightly from blunt force trauma, his eye replaced with a mechanical one. Around this man’s left eye were many bruises which were also brought on after sustaining injuries to the face. Atop his head was a large metallic place, his scalp cut clean off during a great battle. Because of such an injury, no hair was able to grow on the top of the man’s head. Amongst all the robotic parts on his head, a voice box and speaker replacing his mouth was most likely once of things that stood out the most. Most people would have been disgusted by his appearance or would have come to the decision that he was an evil person. That fortunately was not the case, this ONCG soldier being quite the gentle and respectful person at times. “Serlaz… You look different, did you do something to your mechanical parts?” The general asked as he scanned over his good friend’s figure. Serlaz glanced over to Dynggo before replying to his leader. “Its a new voice box, sir. My last one resembled a gas-mask, and i hated the way it looked… So they made me a new one. Notice how this one is elongated and is a slim band that goes across my mouth?”. Wilfred gave a quick nod before raising from his sitting position and making his way to the door. Behind him, Dynggo was still sitting all while Serlaz stood next to him, the two soldiers speaking amongst themselves in order to decide what they should do.

William then made his way to the ceremony in the theatre. A little while later, he was standing atop a stage, standing behind a pedestal, and delivering his speech to the mass amount of Cietronian officers sitting in the distance. As he spoke, Serlaz and Dynggo were sitting on the sidelines, watching their high leader address his people all while a digital presentation was playing behind. The film was filled with images and movies taken over the course of the ONCG’s lifetime, the images serving as a way to remember the past. “We have gathered here today to celebrate the Official National Cietronian Government’s 5000th Birthday and to pay our respects to all of the fallen officers and soldiers who had died in the past years. I remember when the ONCG’s technology was lesser and how we had overcome the problems we had faced in order to bring forth this new era of prosperity. In the wake of this new age, we all had to make sacrifices for the betterment of the world and even though we had face many hardships during this time, we had emerged victorious. And with our victory, the Cietronian world has never been more peaceful. I congratulate you all for your respect, your hard work, your support, and all the little things you’ve done to ensure the survival of Cietronian civilization. So what do we do now? Well, Cietronians have always been innovative and ambitious lifeforms who always seemed out answers. With our advancement in technology, we may finally have some of our questions finally answered. This my friends, is the age of advancement, the age where Cietronian life becomes superior to Lorekan life. No more shall we need the aid of the Lorekan when needing to pursue our scientific endeavours for with the technology we are to create, our scientists will be able to become more intelligent than the smartest of dragons.” William stated as he delivered his speech. Before him, all the thousands of gathered ONCG officers began clapping their hands as their leader finished his speech. In the wake of this clapping, a sense of fulfillment swept over General William, Wilfred’s sense being overwhelmed by joy and happiness. Once he had stepped down from the stage, all the officers proceeded into the areas around the theatre where tables coated with bowls and plates of food had been laid out. All of the party guests conversed amongst themselves, ate food, drank, and had a good time all while General William, Dynggo, and Serlaz returned to the General’s office. There in William’s office, the General proceeded to have a private meeting with his two friends. He told them that they had been his lieutenants for quite a long time and that in the wake of the age of advancement, it would become time to review the technologies they could make using dragon power. Dynggo shook his head, stating that it would be unwise to re-introduce the world to dragon power-fuelled machines since the last time they had done that, both Cietronian and Lorekan populations rioted against the Cietronian Government. William relied saying that the only reason they rioted was because the citizens were told the military had been using dragon power and that the method of obtaining the power was incredibly obscene. At the moment, all three of them knew that the only way to re-introduce dragon power-fuelled machines was to make sure no one ever found out. General William then told his lieutenants that over the course of the last few thousand years, the ONCG had been creating an Aurorium Cannon, a mighty weapon capable of using the Aurorium Compound to fire a high-intensity laser into the atmosphere. This weapon was named Aurorium Cannon Majoris, and it was the size of a mountain. This was all because the Aurorium Compound was never meant to be used as a project propellant or have its properties altered in any way, the Compound being an extremely unique and pure energy. The alterations made to the Compound resulted in the Compound become highly unstable and to make sure it didnt explode suddenly, more and more advanced technologies had to be created to prevent such an explosion. Once stabilized, the Compound would be loaded up into the Cannon before the Cannon would actually fire. William always hoped he would live to see the day the Cannon would fire. But at the moment, the Cannon wasn’t entirely finished being constructed. Plus, the ONCG hadn’t found a way to fully stabilize the Aurorium Compound.

Reaching into his desk, General William pulled out a folder with several top secret documents inside. Upon opening the folder, William showed his lieutenants many pictures of the construction of the Cannon and the piece that was currently being researched to stabilize the Compound. The piece they were researching was a generator about the size of a computer. The piece would be hooked up to a large block of the Aurorium Compound via cables and the machine would send energy to the block in hopes that the energy would stabilize the Compound. “Now here is the problem with this piece of machinery… Either the process will fail somehow, nothing will happen, or it will succeed. So what needs to be done is more and more testing. The main problem I’m trying to get at here is we don’t have enough time to finish testing, building the cannon, getting everything ready, and still make our deadline. Someone needs to get down to the UCWMO weapons plant in southern Illopium and send them a message, Okay? Ive also been told that the piece of machinery we are researching has been able to give off sudden beams of energy once hooked up to the compound. I personally am curious as to why this phenomenon happens and i want to know what happens when this beam of energy makes contact with a dragon.” He said before glancing over to Dynggo. “Dynggo, your responsibility is to get down to the UCWMO Plant in Illopium via the War Blimp. Once Serlaz drops you off, you are to enter the plant, retrieve both the Aurorium Compound and that generator I’ve been telling you guys about, do some testing on some dragons, then meet Serlaz at the airfield in the area for extraction. That’s all. Nothing more, Nothing less. Got it?” Dynggo gave his leader a nod before telling Serlaz to go ready for the mission, Serlaz leaving the office soon after. Before Dynggo could leave, Wilfred told him to wait for a moment. “Oh and Dynggo, The Blimp will belong to you after this mission, understood?” Dynggo only stared at him for a moment before leaving the office and shutting the door behind him.

Project Starconium is the story of a group of extraordinary creatures who devoted their lives to ensuring the safety of the rest of the inhabitants of the planet. These legendary creatures eventually face an ancient evil that is so powerful that is threatens the very survival of the planet...

Some of you might know my original "Project Starconium" from my own deviant art account "PJPresCrystalcia". The reason why i scrapped the old series is because it was old and there were a lot of grammatical mistakes. I actually wanted my series to look very very very professional, and i knew the state the original "Project Starconium" was in was nothing close to professional. I would have just deleted the chapters from my gallery, but then i realized that no one was ever reading my series anyway. So i said to myself "why bother even having an account if no one looks at your art". So i moved accounts and started all over again here with "Project Starconia".

I worked VERY HARD on this first chapter. Its estimated that this chapter alone is approximately 9 pages if put into novel format.

There will be plenty more chapters, but NOTE I WILL NOT CONTINUE WRITING UNLESS YOU GUYS COMMENT SAYING YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER. The reason why i won't continue writing if i don't have an audience is because I'm a very very busy person and i don't want to have to write and work my ass off typing up a revised edition of my original "Project Starconia" if no one is even going to look and read the fricken chapter. Ok?

I worked very fricken hard on this chapter, and i will be either working equally as hard or even harder in the chapters to come. If you guys enjoy where the story is going, like it, comment, and give me a watch. If you guys don't show some love for the series, i will discontinue the series, and probably will discontinue it PERMANENTLY.

© 2014 - 2024 HazeDiamond
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